Metal Tools

Full Metal Trading Suite on Ethereum

Why Metal Tools?

We aim to provide diverse tools for on-chain trading, filtering and managing on-chain data to ensure accurate and relevant information. We continuously expand our product line and generate earnings for our $METAL token holders. Everyone benefits from the success of our tools.

Metal Tools differentiates itself by emphasizing the importance of accuracy and relevance in its notifications rather than overwhelming users with constant, non-essential updates. Through comprehensive market research and thoughtful analysis, Metal Tools ensures that alerts are sent only for significant occasions.Essentially, Metal Tools stands out because it prioritizes quality over quantity, ensuring that when users receive an alert, it's because something truly noteworthy has occurred.

Our Bots

Metal Telegram Alpha Bots

Metal Telegram Trading Bot (Beta)

Metal Tools Token Report

Metal Auto-Trader Bot

Metal Fresh Wallet Sniper Tracker

Metal Banana Tracker

Contract Address : 0x00000000000000000000000

$METAL Token

Revenue Generation: Participate in earnings from Metal Auto-Trading bots.

Metal Bot Revenue: Generated revenue from METAL utility bots will be airdropped to METAL token holders in ETH

Exclusive Access: Unlock advanced Metal Alpha Bots.

Fee Discounts: Eligible holders receive lower or no fees on Metal Telegram Trading Bot.


Revenue Share

Every $METAL holder automatically receives a portion of our earnings every week.
These earnings are airdropped in ETH to all of our $METAL holders; there is no minimum to the amount needed to be held to qualify.

We currently have 5 streams of revenue :
Metal Utility Bot Revenue
Auto-Trader Bots Profits
Telegram Trading Bot Fees
All the upcoming bots created by Metal Tools

Public Access

Metal Telegram Trading Bot (Beta):

Public access: 0 fees for Tier 1 and Tier 2 $METAL holders.
50% of fees from other users go to $METAL holder earnings.
Fees apply to all trades, except for Tier 1 and Tier 2 holders.
Revenue split: 50% to $METAL holders, 50% to the team.

Metal Tools Token Report:

Get information on buy/sell taxes, token holdings, honeypot status, mintability, and more - all in one place!

Metal Banana Tracker:

Identifies multiple Banana Router Snipers on a coin without further filtering.